As a practitioner, student and teacher of Yoga, when founding Calma Yoga Ibiza I have tried from the first moment to transmit my passion for this philosophy of life in my classes.
Starting from my healing experience with Yoga, I try to accompany and guide the students during their practices on this wonderful path towards their interior.
Working on body awareness, anchoring to the present moment and especially the connection with oneself, through asanas and breathing, I invite you to enter a meditative state throughout the duration of the class.
I have always loved creating! I’m not going to fool you … in this way, I try to keep all the sequences of the classes fresh and innovative. Keeping coherence and a concrete approach, we practice different series of asanas every day, every week or every month.
The path of yoga is long, if you feel like it we can start to walk it together, join our classes and discover all the advantages of practicing Yoga in your daily life.